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Apr 23

Home Protection Knowledge

Home Protection Knowledge

1. How to prevent pneumonia infection of new coronavirus at home?

(1) Enhancing the awareness of sanitation and health, proper exercise, ensuring sleep, and not staying up late can improve self-immunity;

(2) Maintain good personal hygiene habits. Cover your mouth and nose with tissues when coughing or sneezing. Always wash your hands thoroughly without touching your eyes, nose or mouth with dirty hands;

(3) The rooms should be ventilated and kept clean and tidy;

(4) Try to avoid close contact with people who have symptoms of respiratory diseases (such as fever, cough or sneezing, etc.);

(5) Try to avoid crowded places and closed spaces, if you must wear a mask;

(6) Avoid contact with wild animals, poultry and livestock;

(7) Adhere to a safe eating habit, meat and eggs should be cooked and cooked;

(8) Pay close attention to fever, cough and other symptoms. If you have such symptoms, you must go to the doctor in time.

2. When pneumonia infected by new coronavirus is prevalent, how should we eat it?

(1) Do not eat animals and their products that are already sick; purchase chilled poultry meat from regular channels, and fully cook them when eating poultry meat and egg milk.

(2) Separate cutting boards and knives for handling raw and cooked food. Wash your hands between handling raw and cooked food.

(3) Even in areas where the epidemic occurs, if meat is thoroughly cooked and properly handled during food preparation, it can be safely consumed.

3. How to prevent pneumonia infection of new coronavirus in public places?

(1) Avoid contact with farm animals or wild animals without protection.

(2) Maintain continuous ventilation in the workplace; in crowded places, shopping malls, buses, subways, and airplanes are crowded with people, and masks can be worn to reduce the risk of exposure to pathogens.

(3) When coughing or sneezing, completely cover the nose with a tissue or sleeves or elbows; throw the used tissues immediately into the closed trash can; after coughing or sneezing, wash with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer Hands.

(4) Wash your hands promptly after going home. If you have fever and other symptoms of respiratory tract infection, especially if your fever persists, please go to the hospital in time.

(5) All kinds of gatherings should be avoided during the epidemic season.

4. How to prevent the pneumonia infection of the new coronavirus in the fresh market?

(1) After contact with animals and animal products, wash hands with soap and water;

(2) Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth;

(3) Avoid contact with sick animals and diseased meat;

(4) Avoid contact with stray animals and waste water in the market.

5. Recommendations for home isolation of mild fever cases:

(1) Place the patient in a single room with good ventilation.

(2) Limit the number of caregivers, and try to arrange a person with good health and no chronic diseases for care. Refuse all visits.

(3) Family members should live in different rooms. If conditions do not allow, keep a distance of at least 1 meter from the patient.

(4) Limit patient activities, and minimize patient and family member activity sharing areas. Make sure that the shared areas (kitchen, bathroom, etc.) are well ventilated (open windows).

(5) Nursing staff and patients living in a room should wear masks, which should be close to the face, and touch and adjustment are prohibited during wearing. The mask must be replaced immediately because the secretions become wet and dirty. After removing and discarding the mask, wash your hands.

(6) After any direct contact with the patient or entering the patient isolation space, clean both hands.